The "Future of Rock and Roll" a thing of the past?


Well, first Wilco cancels their concert, and now something much worse. One of the greatest radio stations in the country will broadcast no more after this week's over. WOXY in Oxford, OH was recently sold to First Broadcasting Investment Partners of Dallas, a large media conglomorate (big surprise). The owner's sited changes in their lives which I respect, so I don't blame them. There was hope that despite the change to the broadcast station's format that WOXY might continue to broadcast online, but alas, the money to make this happen did not materialize. It just saddens me deeply that I'll no longer be able to hear the latest and greatest stuff chosen by a great staff of music lovers, not a media corporation. If you lived in Southwestern Ohio you may have been lucky enough to tune in to 97.7 to hear a truly eclectic mix of modern rock. 97x was about all I listened to during my days at the University of Cincinnati. When I moved to New Mexico, I forgot about 97x, but a friend help me rediscover the station online ( There aren't any modern rock stations in New Mexico and it was nice to be reminded of the five years I spent in the 'nati when hearing local ad spots. I'll truly miss 97x. And now, silence.

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